Mae ynddo drugareddau fil

(Cyflawnder o ras a doniau yn Nghrist)
Mae ynddo drugareddau fil
  A doniau yn ddidrai;
A rhyw ffyddlondeb fel y môr,
  At ei gystuddiol rai.

Mae'i ddoniau yn rhagori 'mhell,
  Ar holl freninoedd byd;
Ac 'rwyf yn teimlo'i fod e'i hun,
  Yn hollol lanw 'mryd.

Ac yn ei gariad dwfn a maith,
  Mi nofia tua'r nef;
Ac nid oes tymhestl fyth, na thòn,
  Yn rhuo ynddo Ef.

Ddiffygiaf ddim,
    er c'yd fy nhaith,
  Tra pery grâs y nef;
Ac er mor lleied yw fy ngrym,
  Mae digon ynddo Ef.
William Williams 1717-91

Cyflawnder nerth cyflawnder gras
Ffarwel greaduriaid gwycha'u ryw
Hyd yma ni ddych'mygodd dyn
Mae'm golwg acw tua'r wlad

(The fulness of grace and gifts in Christ)
In him are a thousand mercies
  And unebbing gifts;
And some faithfulness like the sea,
  To his afflicted ones.

His gifts are far excelling
  All the kings of the world;
And I am feeling he is himself,
  Wholly flooding my mind.

And in his deep and vast love,
  I shall swim towards heaven;
And no tempest, nor wave, shall ever be
  Roaring in Him.

I shall not fail at all,
    despite how long is my journey,
  While the grace of heaven endures;
And despite how little is my strength,
  There is sufficient in Him.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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